Monday, December 7, 2009


"Walk with me for the last time till the end of this road," said Jui with tears in her eyes.

"Alright", saying so Mohan caught Jui's hand and they started walking.

"But we'll still be friends, right?" asked Jui.

Mohan just smiled and they kept walking, but both knew it was not going to be the same again. A couple of hours back, both had come to a mutual decision of parting their ways. Though they had tried their best to keep their relationship going, something was just not right.

As they walked, Jui tried to remember all the good times the two have had. They had met at a common friends wedding 2 years back and had come to be known as a couple for the last 1 year. They lunched together, went shopping after office hours, had dinners together, cuddled up while watching movies. They did everything that couples do when they are in love. But when it was time to take the relationship to a next level, fear of commitment took over love. They had to take a drastic step.

"But people would talk," Jui had said.

"Let them! It is our life. We don't owe anyone."

Like most mature people, they agreed. But they also knew that memories could not be erased easily. Some moments live for a lifetime, happy or sad.

They reached the end of the short road. They looked in each others eyes. Jui decided to control her tears. She shook hands with Mohan and looked away from him. She called for an Auto and went off.

On reaching her apartment, Jui threw herself in her bed crying. Her mind was full of thoughts. She pulled out her diary from her tote and browsed through each page of it. There were special notes of right from the day Mohan proposed to her, to even the silliest moments she had spent with him. She started tearing of each page after reading. Tears rolling from her eyes thinking of every special moment in her life for the past year, she lay in her bed.


Jui looked up from her desk. Unknowingly, she got up from her chair, clasping both her hands as if in a prayer mode, damp eyes and a slight smile, she looked at Mohan, who was standing in front of her smiling.

"Hi!" she murmured.

"Surprised?" asked Mohan

"Of course!" Jui replied. Suddenly realising she was at the reception of her office, she wiped off her tears.

"I got to know you work here, so thought of surprising you. And i see that you are surprised."

"Sure. This is! A pleasant surprise! How are you? Long time! You should have called."

"Then it wouldn't have been a surprise!"


"Why? Can't I come to see you?"

"But after almost a year, its really......", she paused. "Is this some kind of a joke?" Jui looked around. Everyone was busy working and yes, Mohan was actually in front of her! She had never taken Mohan off her mind. And now he's right here. It was like a prayer come true!

"C'mon Jui! Its really me. Just few days back I got to know you work here. So as I was around, I thought of visiting you."

Jui was very happy to see Mohan. She kept smiling.

"How are you?"

"Fine...fine. You?

"All good. Are you busy?"

"A bit. But you sit, I'll finish off this job, and be right with you."

"OK!" saying so, Mohan sat waiting for Jui.

After a while, he got up and asked, " Its almost lunch time. Is it possible to have lunch together today?"

"Oh yeah! What are your plans for the rest of the day?" replied Jui, almost done with her work.

"Nothing much. Its Friday, so I'll anyway be going home early today. You know it."

"Wait here. I'll be right back," said Jui rushing to a colleague.

After 5-10 minutes she was back to the reception. She picked up her purse and logged out from her computer. "Come, lets go."

"Wow! Never thought you would agree so soon."

"Why? Don't you have money in your pocket?" Mohan was taken aback by Jui's typical sarcastic joke. She hadn't changed a bit, though he had doubts before coming to meet her.

"Hope you've got some, just in case you eat too much and I won't be able to pay!" replied Mohan quickly. "Anyways, that was quick. Can you leave the office during working hours?"

"Oh yeah, I did take permission and I also got the day off."


"Are you the only one who own the "surprise" rights?"

Mohan laughed and the two walked down the stairs. Soon they reached a nearby restaurant and made themselves comfortable.

"Long time Mohan. I never thought you would come," said Jui starting the conversation.

"Me too," said Mohan nodding his head.

"You haven't changed at all."

"I don't know that, but I can say the same about you."

Though they had started their meeting with sarcasm and jokes, the atmosphere changed when they sat down at the restaurant table facing each other.

"How are you doing Jui?" asked Mohan after a long pause.

"Doing good. My job keeps me on my toes. Then the traveling, shopping, all in all a little hectic life. But I am happy."

"Nice to hear that."

"How bout you?"

"Oh! Same job, but just a little more work than before."

"Hows everyone in your part of the world?"

"All good."

Just then the waiter comes with their order and there is a pause in their just-started-getting-comfortable conversation.

"Why didn't you stop me from going?" asked Jui as soon as the waiter moved away from their table. Though she tried to show she was calm, she was not.

"That was our decision, right?"

"Then why have you come now Mohan? Why didn't you call me earlier?"

Mohan realised that Jui had many more questions on her mind. But he too had similar questions.

"You could have called."

"After what all happened, I just didn't feel like. But you could have tried."

There was a long pause.

"Have you been thinking about me Jui?" asked Mohan.

"I've always been thinking about "us". Us talking again, us being together again. Why did we part ways? Why couldn't we find some solution to solve the issues we were facing then."

"It does look easy now. But we had taken a mutual decision then."

"So what now?"

"What now?"

"Have you come to meet me as a friend? Are we still friends?"

"I don't know."

"Your coming back to see me has created a wave of confusion in my mind."

"I can understand your feelings. But I wanted to see how you were doing. Do you think it was easy for me to forget you? I did wish to stop you at that time. But we are grown-ups. We can't behave immaturely."

Jui was looking at Mohan with various feelings in her eyes.

"Do you think we can still solve our problems and get back together?" Mohan pushed the envelope a bit further.

"Back together?" asked a confused Jui.

"Yes Jui. I have never stopped thinking about you since the last we walked together."


"I'm planning on taking up a new job out of town. We can shift base. New city, new life. Lets start over again." Mohan took Jui's hand in his hand. "Will you give me a second chance Jui?"

Jui's heart started beating fast.

"Will you marry me Jui? Would you come with me?"

The question she had been waiting for had come up at last. Though they were apart physically, their hearts and minds were always together, bound by an unknown knot which could not be untied anyway.

Jui was overwhelmed. She couldn't stop smiling. And now tears rolled down her cheeks. Tears for her long awaited love.

"Yes Mohan..." replied an overjoyed Jui. "I will c..."

Suddenly a baby started crying. The cry was so loud that Jui couldn't complete her sentence. She struggled hard to speak, but in vain. The crying became louder and louder and a Jui tried even hard and suddenly she was back to her senses. Her 6 months old baby was crying next to her.

Jui was woken from dream. She got up from her bed and took her baby in her arms. She rocked her and the baby was again fast asleep.

Jui could not sleep now. She had been woken up from a dream she had always wanted to become true. But that dream remained a dream. Mohan never came back to her.It was more than 4 years now. He didn't even call her after they walked that short road together.

She kept her baby down and walked to the other room. She logged into her Facebook account.

The friend request from Mohan was pending for more than a week now. After a lot of thinking, she opened the request and clicked on the "Ignore" button and she logged out of her account.

After a while, there was knock on the door. Jui opened the door and it was Mihir, her husband of 2 years. He smiled at her and gave her a big hug. She hugged him tight. She had made her correct choice this time. She knew that she was now on lifes never-ending road with Mihir.


Thursday, October 1, 2009

The Bride - Part 8

The Bride - Part 8

Yogita continued, "that night crying when I fell asleep, I dreamt of Kusum. She was telling me that she still wants to be a bride. She loves the smell of mehendi. She loves getting flowers. But what was the use if she was going to die next day? I was there and she told me to help her. She blamed me for her death. Only if she hadn't seen me, she would have been alive now. I woke up crying. I didn't know how to help her. 4 days later, I heard of an accident in which a new bride had died. That night again Kusum came in my dreams and she seemed happy that she had got to be a bride for 2 days. I was shocked. Since then, this has happened 8 times to various brides. Your family's tragedy would have been the 9th one. But now you are safe."

"How is that? And how do you know all this?"

"She talks to me after she has done taking a life. She travels with the flowers she sells to the ladies and enjoys being a bride herself along with them. She feels if she couldn't enjoy her marriage, no one should."

"But that's wrong."

"I know that! But what can I do? Whom can I tell that? She still blames me for her death. So yesterday she cried for my help."

"How did you reach our house?"

"I could hear her. Yesterday late night she was felt chocked and she told me you were going to cremate those flowers next morning. She cried out loud for my help. I tried to ignore. But as someone in your house was continuously chanting some mantras, she felt suffocated. I could hear her suffocation. I didn't want to see or rather hear her die again! Her voice led me towards your house and so I could pick up those flowers."

"So what did you do with the flowers?"

"I threw them in the river."

"Is there a way that can stop all this?"

"There is. But I don't know if it would be possible for you."

"Whats that?"

"Only the newly wed bride will have to come within hours of the wedding and do a ritual at the cemetery for her soul to rest in peace."

"But if the bride involved will not be alive, how can she do the ritual?" asked Priya.

"That is the catch and so Kusum's soul is still around. But now that your sister has survived, you can help out. Is it possible for you'll to do that?"

"I don't know. I'm doubtful."

Jyoti and Priya look at each other. "Will we be able to help?" they thought.

"Why doubt?" asked Yogita. "I have some hope from you. You have come a long way to reach me. I've already done you a favor by saving your sisters life. You owe me." Yogita's eyes filled with tears.

"But you were the one who came to save your sister yesterday! Everything would have come to an end today. Your suffering too!"

"I had to! Her voice wouldn't let me do anything. I can no longer be involved in the deaths of the brides."

There was a pause.

"I can't say anything right now," said Jyoti.

"Everybody sees their own good. No one cares for others. People are selfish," cried Yogita.

Jyoti and Priya didn't know what to tell her. They felt sad for her. She had to go through a lot of emotional stress in a young age. They were a ray of hope for Yogita.

Just then Priya's cellphone rang. It was Nalini Kaku.

"Hello Kaku!"

"Jyoti! Where are you girls?"

"We are just here near..."

"Come home now. Anu has been asking for you." Anu snatches the phone from her mother and continues, "Didi, where are you?"

"Anu! We are on our way."

"How long are you going to shop?"

"Shop? Oh, yes. We are coming home soon," replied Jyoti quickly thinking Nalini Kaku may have told Anu that they had gone shopping.

"I just put mehendi on my feet. Its looking fabulous. Come soon."

"Yes. Can you give the phone to Kaku?"

"Oh! She just left the room. Someone called her out."

"Oh. OK!"

"I'm hanging up now. Come soon. Bye."

"Bye," and Jyoti ended the call. She tried to hide her disappointment.

"So didi, can you help me?" asked Yogita.

"We have to go now. But we will try our best to be back," assured Jyoti.

Jyoti patted Yogita's back and she left from there. Priya followed. Yogita's swollen eyes were hard to forget.

The two sisters couldn't speak to each other on their way home. They were unable to give an answer to Yogita whether they could help her. They hoped Nalini Kaku allows Anu do the ritual after the wedding.

Soon they reached home. The wedding arrangements were on in full swing. Jyoti was delighted to see her husband, who had come from Bangalore to attend the wedding. Whenever she got a chance, Jyoti tried to talk to Nalini about Yogita.

"I'll talk to you later. I'm just so happy that Anu is fine now! God bless her!" exclaimed Nalini.

But she was so busy that the topic somehow took a backseat for a while. Everyone just prayed for a happy marriage.

In the evening, a car stopped in front of the house and out came Aaji! Everyone was happy to see her and started inquiring about her health. Jyoti and Priya instantly looked at each other. They suddenly remembered that they had forgotten to ask Yogita about what may have been the reason for Aaji's hospitalization.

"Wow! The aroma of the ladoos is so good!" exclaimed Aaji while entering the house.

"No, not now. You take some rest," said Nalini. "Did you easily forget what the doctors said?"

"I know! But there is no harm in eating just one?" said Aaji.

"You have to keep a check on your weight, that is what caused your high BP. You kept on eating the wadas and namkeens, praising the aroma that filled the house."

"I was also sad that my Anu will be going so far away from me," sobbed Aaji. Anu gave her a big hug.

So that was the reason for Aaji's collapse!
thought Jyoti and Priya and they gave a sigh of relief. They thought, we totally forgot about Aaji's eating habits and thought the flowers were responsible for it. When couple of bad thing happens, we always try to link the incidents to one another. Well, the cellphone rang after Anu had purchased the flowers. That is, Aaji's collapse had nothing to do with Kusum.

"Kusum! We still have to talk to Nalini Kaku about the ritual!" exclaimed Priya.

"Yes, I know. But I'm not finding a chance to talk to her!" replied Jyoti.

"The wedding is tomorrow and we have to do the ritual soon."

Jyoti and Priya involved themselves in all the wedding celebrations, but at the back of their mind they were unable to forget Yogita's pale face.

Late evening, after the Sangeet and other celebrations, seeing Nalini sitting quiet and tired in a corner, Jyoti approached her and tried to tell her about Yogita and Kusum. Nalini was shocked to hear the story. She said a small prayer that the family was saved from a disaster. She felt sad and a tear did manage to make way through the corner of her eye. Jyoti thought this was the right time to ask her about the ritual.

"Do you think we can send Anu for the ritual?" asked Jyoti.

"No way! I don't want the new bride to go and do a 'soul resting' ritual!"

"Please Kaku! It will be helpful for others too."

"Not possible Jyoti! What if the ritual back-fires and some other evil things happen? Who is to blame then?"

"Lets take it positively and do it."

"OK, even if its fine with me, do you think Anu's in-laws are going to allow their new daughter-in-law to go to a cemetery right after marriage? I don't want to hear a thing now!"

"But Kaku the incidents will continue with other brides."

"I have got nothing to do with that. I'm really thankful for you and Priya who tired to get to the root of the cause for Anu's behavior, but I'm sorry. Please try to understand. I'm Anu's mother. I want a happy life for her. I won't allow her to do the ritual." Nalini gets up. "Don't think much about it now, beta. Just go to bed." She patted on Jyoti's head and walked to her room.

Jyoti didn't say a word. She was very well aware of her family's beliefs. She couldn't argue and convince. Perhaps her mother would have also thought the same way for her.

Jyoti walked towards her husband who was waiting to talk to her since he had arrived. She took her son close to her. She had almost ignored him for last 2 days. She cried in her husbands arms that she was unable to do anything for Yogita.

Priya felt the same. But she was a strong girl and thought it would be good to forget everything.

The wedding was a lovely event for all the family. Anu and Prithvi made a wonderful couple. It was a fabulous day. In the evening, the bride was given a tearful goodbye. Anu still remained unaware of the last 2 days events. Her parents and Aaji were delighted and prayed for her happy married life.

Jyoti and Priya were thinking about what Yogita had said, Everybody sees their own good. People are selfish. So true!

The marriage was success. The evil shadow was no longer lurking on the family.

Life continued. All were back to their regular routines. In a few days, Anu and Prithvi reached safely to the US. Priya was back to her work in Mumbai. Jyoti was back in Bangalore with her family. Aaji continued with her eating, TV, spiritual and superstitious beliefs. The flower-vendors continued selling flowers and so did one flower-vendor, selling crimson red roses to brides.


Tuesday, September 29, 2009

The Bride - Part 7

With Jyoti insisting on knowing the reason behind yesterdays events, the two start in search of the lady named Yogita who would help them unravel the mystery. Making way through the busy Pune traffic, they reach near the Omkareshwar temple in sometime. They park their vehicle and ask for Yogita to a couple of people, who direct them towards the river.

"I saw her in the morning going towards the river," said one lady.

"I didn't see her come back. Maybe she's still there," said another.

Jyoti and Priya went from the temple to the river, which are pretty close. An old lady directed them towards a lady who was sitting by the river bank. She was sitting with her legs close to her body and tightly held together with her arms and her head between her knees. She was looking towards the flowing river.

"Are you Yogita?" asked Jyoti.

There was no reply.

"Excuse me, are you Yogita?" Jyoti tried again.

She looked towards Jyoti. She was a young girl in her early 20's. Her eyes seemed to have swollen by crying too much.

"Yes, I'm Yogita. Who are you? What do you want?" she asked them.

"I'm Jyoti and this my sister Priya. We were sent by the flower-lady who sits on FC Road. The elderly one?"

"Why did she send you to me?"

"She said you would be able to answer some of our questions."

"What questions? I don't want to talk to you now. Please go," saying so Yogita looked elsewhere.

"Please. We need your help. Its our sisters wedding tomorrow and..."

"What do you want from me then? I haven't done anything," interrupted Yogita and burst into tears. "I haven't done anything. I'm not involved in this."

Jyoti and Priya look at each other, confused. "Calm down Yogita," Jyoti goes near her. "What are you talking about? We haven't told you anything as yet."

Yogita is still crying and refuses to speak.

"Can you tell us what you know? We are trying to find a reason to our sisters behavior last night," Priya continued.

"Are you the people who stay near the college?" Yogita asked wiping her tears.

"Yes! And how do you know that?"

"I had come to your house early morning today."

Jyoti and Priya were startled. "So was it you who took those flowers?" asked Jyoti.

Yogita nodded. "It was me. I came to help her."

"Help whom?"

"My elder sister."

"Who is she? Does she stay somewhere near our house?"

"She had come to your house just for a day. If I would have not come, she would have stayed longer."

"Whom are you talking about? Can you be specific?"

"I've taken the flowers now. You don't have to worry. Just go and enjoy your sisters wedding."

"You better tell us whats happening here," Jyoti said in a stern voice.

Yogita's eyes filled with tears again. She didn't want to talk. "Please go away. I really don't want to talk about it. I'm already tired."

"We won't go until you tell us the truth."

"You won't believe me."

Jyoti insisted on telling her the truth. They even offered her money. But Yogita didn't want to talk.

"You better tell or we take you to the police," snapped Priya.

Yogita was a little scared now. "No didi, please don't do that. I will tell you. But you are educated ladies. Will you believe me?"

"Yes. We need to know."

Yogita stood up and taking a deep breath, she started, "My sister, Kusum, was a flower vendor like me and the others you see at the traffic lights..."

"Kusum! That was the name the elderly flower-lady murmured," Jyoti said instantly. "What about her?"

"She was 5 years elder to me," Yogita continued. "She loved selling roses. A few years back, actually to be specific, 6 years back she got married. My sister dreamed of having a very happy marriage life. But her dream was short lived. Just the next day of her marriage, she died in an accident on FC Road," Yogita again burst out in tears. "She died in my arms."

Jyoti and Priya were taken aback. Jyoti's eyes were damp and Priya felt a chill go through her legs and then her spine. After a pause Jyoti asked, "What happened then and what is this got to do with you coming to our house?"

"Kusum still wants to be the bride," said Yogita wiping her tears and she looked up to them.

"Still? What does that mean?"

"I knew you won't believe me."

"We believe you. You go on."

"She was very happy after her marriage. What a lovely bride was she! She went out with her husband for a walk on FC Road. Her husband bought some nice crimson colored rose flowers from one of the vendors. She was so happy that now she had bought flowers from a street vendor. She was the customer today. They were happily walking when her husband met one of his friends on the way. The two friends talked and Kusum was looking around when she spotted me on the other side of the road. She was delighted to see me. So she ran towards me, but...", Yogita suddenly stopped. She was staring into nowhere. "But she tripped in her saree and fell on her face on a nearby stone. She tried to get up and lost balance and fell on the road. She didn't see the bus coming and she was flung in the air... it happened within seconds," Yogita's voice chocked. "I rushed towards her. She fell in the middle of the road. The bunch of flowers in her hand fell all over her. All the traffic stopped. By the time her husband reached, I had already taken her on my lap. Her right cheek was bleeding profusely. The stone had ripped her cheek. She just said "I am a bride, I still want to be one", and she took her last breath. She died here, in my arms," Yogita held her arms in front.

There was a silence. It seemed as if the city had come to a still.

To be continued....

Thursday, September 24, 2009

The Bride - Part 6

Meanwhile Jyoti and Priya are already on FC Road. They are making their way through the morning traffic and their eyes searching for a particular lady. It was quite a task as they didn't know how the lady looked. There were a few flower vendors, but they were either small girls or young boys. One more problem was that, not all vendors sold flowers and it wasn't necessary that what they sold yesterday, they would sell today.

"So, what do you think we should do?" asked Priya.

"Lets ask someone". Jyoti stops by the curb and looks around. "Hey girl!", Jyoti calls out to a flower girl who has a bunch or two of fresh sunflowers in her hand.

"You want some sunflowers, tai?" asks the young flower girl. Her skin was tanned and almost black due to the harsh Pune sun.

"How much for them?" asks Jyoti.

"Only Rs.50."

"Too expensive."

"Then how much do you want it for?"

Jyoti looks at the flowers. "Are these yesterdays?"

"No tai!" came an instant reply. "I got them today morning."

"They look stale", says Jyoti though the flowers were absolutely fresh. She tries to start a conversation and gives her a look, "I remember you. Yesterday you were selling the same flowers."

Priya rolls her eyes and gave a slight laugh looking downwards.

"No way! Its todays. Yesterday I was selling those little Chinese Buddha statues."

"Oh. Then it maybe someone else."

"Do you want to buy these or no?" the girl seemed bugged at them now.

"No! too expensive", saying so Jyoti started her Scooty and rode off leaving the girl uttering some bad words for them.

Priya laughed out loud now. "So whose next?"

They try the same trick with next 7-8 vendors. But its of no help. It was more than 2 hours they had left home. They decide to go back. But they want to give a last try. Now they look around properly and spot an elderly lady sitting with a heap of flowers. They drive towards her and park their vehicle nearby.

"How much for a bunch of roses?" Jyoti asks.

"No, no. I don't sell these flowers directly to customers. Wholesale buying only", replied the lady. She was a not-so-very fat lady, but looked experienced in her job. She was making garlands when the duo approached her.

"Then who buys from you?"

"Those vendors there whom you will find at the traffic signals."

"How long have you been selling these flowers?"

"6 years now!", came a proud reply.

"Wow! So you maybe knowing all the vendors by now."

"Yes, most of them."

"We need some help, maushi", said Jyoti going near the lady, with sense of slight achievement.

"Did anyone trouble you girls? Let me know. I'll stop selling flowers to those rowdy boys. Two penny's in their pockets and they behave like Rutvik Roshan."

"Hrithik Roshan, maushi", corrects Priya.

"Same thing! Tell me now what you want to know."

"We are looking for a lady who sold us flowers yesterday."

"How did she look like?"

"We don't know."

"Then how do you expect me to help you?"

"We were here on FC Road yesterday late afternoon. My cousin sister bought some flowers from a lady. But we don't know who the lady was."

"Which kind of flowers?"

"Roses. Crimson red."

"Oh well, you see around 20-25 vendors bought roses from me yesterday."

"But there maybe only a few who bought crimson red color roses, right?" quipped Priya.

"Hmm. Let me think. But its not necessary that they buy any particular color. Some buy 2-3 different varieties of flowers."

"Try to remember, please", Jyoti tried to push hard.

"Now you girls first tell me," the lady looked irritated, as she was getting disturbed in her daily routine, "what is it exactly you want to know!"

"Oh sorry, maushi", Jyoti tried to calm the lady. "Some weird things happened with my cousin just after buying the flowers, so we thought of checking it."

"If wierd things start happening on buying flowers, people will stop buying them and sellers like us will have no where to go. Talk some sense, girl!"

"Don't get angry, please."

"You have come to ruin my business in the morning. Go now."

"Oh please help us. You are our last chance", Jyoti tries hard by getting tears in her eyes.

"You don't know how she looked, how can I help you? And can I know what is it that exactly happened to your sister?" the lady mellows down a bit.

"Well, our sister is getting married tomorrow", Jyoti starts telling all the incidents that happened last evening. "And today morning when we woke up, the flowers were missing. A neighbor saw a lady carrying the flowers in the wee hours of the morning, from our garden."

"Kusum!" said the lady in a soft voice, covering her mouth. She was taken aback by Jyoti's talk.

"What? Who?" asked Priya and Jyoti. They couldn't hear clearly what the lady said.

"No, nothing", the lady stopped working and looked lost.

"Do you know her? Please tell us", pleaded Jyoti.

"We want our sisters marriage to be good", said Priya.

"Your sister is getting married, you said. Where did you buy those flowers?" asked the flower-lady.

"Just 2 chowks back", replied Jyoti.

"Oh! Now I know why you were unable to see the lady. Crimson red roses!"

"What does that mean?"

"No. No. I can't say any more."


"Please let us know."

"Then I'm not the one who should be telling you this. I'll give you the address of a lady who should be able to explain you everything."

"Yes. Please give it then."

The lady takes a piece of paper and scribbles the address. "There you go. Ask for Yogita. Anyone will help direct you to her. She sells flowers near the Omkareshwar temple. She'll be able to tell you everything."

"Oh! Thank you so much, maushi. We really appreciate it. Seeing our sisters state yesterday, we are really worried."

"Go now. Let me continue with my work." The flower lady seemed a little lost. "Hope your sister has a happy married life", she said without looking into their eyes.

"C'mon lets go Priya."

Just as they start, Jyoti's cellphone rings.

"Its Kaku. Hello kaku", Jyoti answers the phone.

"Where are you girls?" asked Nalini.

"We are here, still on FC Road. Hows Anu?"

"Thats why I called. She's doing really good. And she seems to have forgotten what happened yesterday. I was observing her for a while, so I called you so late."

"Really? Thats wonderful."

"So now you girls come home. She has been asking for you since morning."

"Yes, yes. We'll be there soon. Just a small work to be done."

"No. Not now. Just come home. Thank God all is fine."

"OK. We'll be there. Bye", Jyoti ends the call. "Priya, Anu seems to be fine now!"

"Thats great! So lets go home."

"Wait, wait! Don't you want to go to this address?"

"Now why is the need? If she's fine we'll go home and enjoy the wedding. And now there are no flowers, so no trouble. Lets just go home."

"No Priya. I really need to know what went wrong yesterday."

"I don't need to know now."

"Only this and we'll go home."

Priya was not happy. She knew she couldn't argue much. Once Jyoti determines doing something, she does it. "I don't want to argue with you now. You are as stubborn as Anu. Fine! Lets go and see."

To be continued....

Wednesday, September 23, 2009

The Bride - Part 5

Jyoti and Priya changed soon and started out for their flower-lady search mission. Jyoti grabs the car keys.

"Didi, lets take the Scooty instead. It will be easy to squeeze it through crowded lanes", suggested Priya.

"Good thinking", replied Jyoti.

"Jyoti, be careful. Don't dig too much in the matter. Remember there is Sangeet at night. Don't take too long", said a cautious Nalini.

"OK kaku. But you call us once Anu wakes up and let us know how she's doing."

"Sure. Drive safe".

"Bye Kaku", said both and they rode away.

Nalini comes back in the house. All the guests were busy with their own routines. Children were playing around. Elders were sitting with their cups of tea, men watching the morning news. Though all were worried about last nights Anu's behavior, they seemed to be ignoring it and thought that the wedding go through as planned. Nalini sees Shalu searching for someone.

"Vahini, there you are! Anu tai woke up", said Shalu.

"OK. Did you check if she has fever?" said Nalini walking towards Anu's room.

"No vahini. I thought it would be better if you do", said Shalu biting her tongue.

Nalini just nods back. Anu is up from bed and shes feeling a little dizzy.

"Oh-oh. Sit down Anu. How are you feeling?" asked Nalini touching Anu's forehead.

"Fine aai, but just feeling a bit dizzy," replied Anu.

"It doesn't feel like you have fever. Thats better."

"Fever? And hey, what happened to my mehendi?" said Anu looking at her hands.

"Oh yes, you had a slight fever last night. Dr. Kulkarni gave you an injection for feeling better. You have to dance during the sangeet tonight and stand for a long time tomorrow during the wedding."

"But how did my mehendi get washed away?"

"Do you not remember last night?"

"Why? What happened?"

"Sure you don't remember?"

"No! Tell me?"

"Well, you don't like the design what the girl was drawing. So you washed off your hands", replied Nalini hiding the truth from Anu.

"But from what I see, the design looks good."

"Don't worry now. I've called the girl again today. She'll do it as you like."

"Oh good. Be sure that she comes soon. And by the way, hows Aaji?"

"She's fine. She'll be home before the sangeet starts."

"Thats nice." Anu looks around, "I don't see Jyoti didi?"

"Jyoti? Well... she's just gone out with Priya for some last minute shopping."

"Wow! Yesterday she told me not to do shopping and now look at her, early morning she's out! Shopping!" Anu gets up. She's feeling better now.

"C'mon now, go and freshen up. The big day is coming soon!"

Anu looks happy now and she's dances her way to her bathroom. Nalini notices that Anu doesn't seem to remember the last nights events. She and Shalu look at each other. There is a relief in their eyes. Nalini says a small prayer in her mind and walks out of Anu's room.

"Shalu!" Anu calls out from the bathroom.

Startled Shalu looks towards the bathroom. She walks cautiously towards the bathroom door. Her hand on her chest, "Yes tai?"

"Can you get a cup of tea for me, please?"

Shalu lets out a big breath. "Surely tai!" and she goes out.

To be continued.....

Monday, September 21, 2009

The Bride - Part 4

Early next morning Shalu opens the backyard door. She says a silent prayer in the mind, but her lips are moving. She looks around. But nothing. The flowers were missing. It was wet everywhere. It had rained heavily last night.

Shalu rushed in the house and searched for Nalini. She was sleeping in the puja room. That night Nalini was continuously chanting the almighty's name. She went off to sleep there while praying for Anu's happy wedding and thinking why she may have said the absurd words that evening. Shalu came in and woke up Nalini.

"Vahini, wake up", Shalu said softly.

"Shalu, did you not leave yet?" said a sleepy Nalini, rubbing her eyes.

"The flowers are missing, vahini".

"What are you saying?"

"Yes, the flowers are no where to be seen."

"Come, lets go and see properly", said Nalini getting up from bed.

Everyone was asleep. They both went towards the backyard. All was wet and muddy due to the rains. They both strained their eyes in search of the flowers. But they were nowhere to be seen.

"Maybe the rains washed out the flowers."

"Possible, vahini."

They were speaking in hushed tones.

"It seems to have rained pretty hard last night."

"Vahini, but all the other plants are in quite good shape. Was it that heavy to wipe out the flower bunch?"

"We never know."

"Narkar Madam?" came a male voice from a little distance.

Startled Nalini and Shalu turned back to see their neighbour Mr.Vinayak Deodhar standing by the compound in his side of the property. Both the ladies gave a sigh of relief, but they did feel a little weak in their knees.

"Oh! Deodhar Kaka!" exclaimed Nalini.

Mr. Vinayak Deodhar was a 75 year old man living with his wife and elder sister just next to the Narkar's house. They have been neighbors for the past 18 years.

"Yes, its me", he said.

"You just got us scared", said Nalini.

"Oh-oh, I'm so sorry. I really didn't mean it."

"Its fine."

"So, are you done with the wedding arrangements?"

"Not yet, kaka. You know how it is in a marriage house."

"Yes, yes. If you need any help do let us know."

"Oh sure. There are quite a few people at home now. But be sure to come for the wedding on time tomorrow."

"Of course!"

There was a pause.

"Did you just wake up?" asked Mr Deodhar.

"Oh yes. We both came out to see if the plants were in proper shape", Nalini replied looking at Shalu, who nodded instantly.

"Is everyone still asleep?" he inquired.

"Yes. Everyone will start getting up soon."

"Oh ok. I thought I saw you like an hour ago."


"Oh so it wasn't you?"

"No, I just woke up. No one is up yet, except the two of us".

"Well actually, I was plucking some flowers for my daily puja when I saw someone in your backyard walking hurriedly towards the front gate. I even called out. But the lady just walked fast."

"A lady?"

"Yes. And she didn't reply back. I thought it was you doing some work."

Nalini and Shalu were shocked. Shalu caught Nalini's arm tightly in fright.

"I too moved towards our front gate", continued Mr.Deodhar, "but I took some time to reach due to the mud. By the time I reached the gate and saw around, there was no one."

"Oh! What was she wearing?"

"A simple saree."


"And yes, she had something in her hands."

"Like what?"

"I think it may have been flowers."

Now Nalini and Shalu were really scared.

"Oh, but you know what", said Mr. Deodhar. "You should probably check your flowers in the garden."

"Flowers in the garden?"

"Yes, your garden has nice flower plants. These days petty thieves come in the mornings to pluck flowers and vegetables, so that they can sell those at the traffic signals."

It was starting to get a little brighter now. Nalini looked around. All the plants and flowers were good, except that they had lost a little shape due to the rains.

"Oh, maybe then", said Nalini.

"Those vendors tell you they bring their lot from Panchgani or Kolhapur. But they are generally stolen from peoples gardens around here. Have you ever wondered how those flowers, veges and fruits are so fresh even during the basking sun?" continued Mr. Deodhar.

"Hmm. Yes", replied Nalini, not paying much attention at his talk.

"OK then. You continue with your work. I will keep on talking like this for my whole day", laughed Mr.Deodhar.

"No issues. We'll talk later."

"I'll send my wife and sister in the evening for the Sangeet ceremony."

"Oh surely. You can join in too."

"Lets see. OK, bye for now", and saying so Mr.Deodhar went inside his house.

Nalini and Shalu looked at each other confused.

"Did you see anyone awake in the morning when you woke up?"

"No, Vahini. I was the first one. The lights were all off. I don't think I saw anyone awake."

"Come, lets go in and see."

The two go in the house. But by now atleast 5-6 people were up from bed. they didn't feel it appropriate to ask questions to anyone in the morning as soon as they were out of bed.

"Good morning Kaku", said Jyoti didi while brushing her teeth.

"Jyoti! Good morning", replied Nalini.

"Arey Shalu, you didn't go?" asked Jyoti.

"Didi, well...", Shalu didn't know what to say.

"Jyoti I've to tell you something. Come in", said Nalini pulling Jyoti by her arm into the bathroom.

"What happened kaku?"

Nalini shuts the door behind them. "The flowers went missing."

"What? How come?"

Nalini narrated everything.

"Oh my! Thats so very impossible. Did Deodhar Kaka see the lady?"

"No, by the time he could say anything, she was gone."

"Then she may have surely come back to take the flowers."

"But how did she know our house?"

"Maybe she followed us. But how is that possible? These street vendors are generally walking around. They can't do that."

"You never know."

Jyoti immediately rinsed her mouth and wiping her hands came out of the bathroom and went directly to Priya's room.

"Wake up lazy bones", she shook Priya.

"Only 2 minutes. Please", said Priya.

"No, up now. The flowers we kept in the backyard last night are missing."

"What? Hows it possible? Shalu may have already taken them."

"No, they were gone before Shalu even woke up."

Priya literally jumped up from her bed. "What are you saying?"

"Get up. Change now. Something else happened."


"Not now. I'll tell you on the way. We have to leave for FC Road now."

To be continued...

Saturday, September 19, 2009

The Bride - Part 3

"Wake up Anu, please", cried Aai. "Shalu, come here immediately with some salt and mustard. And some red chillies too".

Shalu comes running in the room with the materials asked for. All the guests had gathered outside Anu's room. Jyoti tried to pick up Anu and make her sit. Anu had a slight fever now. Nalini and Shalu swayed the substances on Anu in full swing.

"Lets call the doctor", someone suggested.

"Move aside", said Nalini rushing out of the room and going to the kitchen. Throwing all the swayed items on a hot griddle, "Yes please call Dr.Kulkarni. His number is in the telephone book near the TV." She cried hard in her husband, Ajay's arms, who tried to console her.

A weird, pungent and spicy odor now filled the house. Some sneezed, some coughed. Others just covered their noses and mouths.

Jyoti rested Anu's head on her lap and caressed her like a baby. She too couldn't control her tears now. But she was trying to make sense of the events that had been taking place since they returned home.

"Ouch! whats that?" Jyoti complained removing her hand from below Anu's head. Priya who was sitting next to her, saw that it was the rose flowers little stem that was pricking Jyoti. She took the flower off her head and threw it in the nearby trash can. A couple of moments later, Anu began to wake up.

"What happened here?" she asked.

"Go back to sleep. How are you feeling now?" inquired Jyoti.

"I'm fine, di. Something wrong?"

"You have a slight fever. Take rest for sometime."

"OK" said Anu and she went back to sleep again.

Now Jyoti's mind started working fast. Whats happening? Is it the flowers? No, how can flowers harm anyone? But all these weird things are happening since Anu bought the roses. The phone rang immediately after we took off of the chowk. Whom did she buy the flowers from? Gosh, I don't remember from whom she bought the flowers! Or did I ignore? Something IS wrong here.
She got up from her place and asked Priya to pick up the roses and keep them in the backyard.

"But why?" asked Priya

"Do as I say", ordered Jyoti. "Also pick up that flower from the trash."

Jyoti took some old newspapers and walked to the backyard. She packed the flowers in it and threw it to the corner of the garden.

"See to it that no one touches those", she told Priya.

"Whats happening didi?" asked a curious Priya.

"I think something got wrong when we bought those flowers."

"C'mom now. What are you talking?"

"Think Priya, only after we moved from the chowk we got the flowers, did we get the call about Aaji's hospitalisation. Remember?"


"So, I think there is something in the flowers. Remember what Aaji told when we were leaving the house for the parlor? Evil spirits are always in search of young girls and Anu is going to be married soon."

"Wow! Now you talk like Aaji. You know her. She's always talking some superstitious stuff. Please don't be like Aaji!"

"Priya, Aaji may be old. But she has experienced life. You may feel she's just making things up. But I don't think so. There is a reason behind everything."

"Oh didi please!"

"Ok then, why do you think Ram Gopal Varma makes all those movies? And for your info, you watch them!"

Priya bursts out laughing.

"OK, stop it now. I'm serious". She looks at her wrist watch. "Its too late now. First thing in the morning tomorrow, we both will go and find that flower lady on FC Road."

"Are you crazy? Do you think we can find her? These vendors move about everywhere. They don't have a fixed place. Be practical."

"We'll find out a way."

"I hope you remember her face."

"No, I don't. But you do, right? She was standing right behind your window."

"No way! I didn't see!"

"Then what were you doing when Anu was buying those flowers?"

"Oh pleeease..."

"No problem. We'll find some way."

"And how do you think of finding the way?"

"Just let me think now." Jyoti's mind runs fast now.

"I think we should talk about this to Aaji or Nalini Kaku. What say?" suggested Priya.

"They will unnecessarily start worrying."

"Someone other than us should know."

"What are you girls talking? Let me also know", asks Nalini walking towards them. "And Jyoti, why did you throw those flowers?"

"Oh that...."

"I need to know. Just tell me", Nalini said in a strict tone.

"See didn't I tell you? We should have told Nalini Kaku", said Priya.

"OK fine. Before that, has the doctor arrived?" Jyoti inquired.

"Yes, he just gave Anu an injection for fever reduction and sound sleep. He'll come in the morning to check on her again. Now tell me what do you think is wrong with Anu?"

"Well, we just think..."

"We? Not me! You think!" said Priya

"OK! I just think, since the time we got those flowers, things just don't seem to be right. Aaji's hospitalisation, Anu's behavior."

"You maybe right! There can be a connection. These things happen", assured Nalini.

Priya rolls her eyes in a there-you-go-Aaji's-daughter-in-law kind of way.

"So what do you think should we do now?" asked Nalini.

"I and Priya plan to go to FC Road again tomorrow and find the lady who sold us those flowers", said Jyoti.

"OK. Thats a good idea. I hope you remember who sold the flowers to Anu, right?"

Jyoti and Priya look at each other blankly and nod back - Jyoti a "yes" and Priya a "no".

Nalini thumps her palm on her forhead. "One work you young girls can't do properly! Wonder how do you handle responsibilities in your offices! And that Anu! What was the need of buying flowers? Weren't there enough in the house?"

"I did try telling her...."

"Enough now. Go to sleep. You have to wake up in the morning and go in search of that lady." Nalini goes in the house. She comes back with Shalu the maid and instructs her, "Tomorrow first thing in the morning, you along with a male go to the cemetery with those flowers and see to it that they are cremated in a proper manner."

Shalu just nods.

"First I'll just take pictures of those flowers. So that tomorrow we can atleast show the pictures to some vendors who will direct us to that lady. Now I don't dare to carry those roses with me", said Priya rushing in the house to grab her camera.

"Thank God. After a long time she did some intelligent talk!" expressed Jyoti to Nalini.

Priya comes in with camera and takes some pictures. They all go in the house and Shalu latches the door.

"No one goes in the backyard until I say", announces Nalini in the house. She goes in the puja room and prays for the family's well being.

Early next morning Shalu opens the backyard door. She says a silent prayer in the mind, but her lips are moving. She looks around. But nothing. The flowers were missing.

To be continued....

Wednesday, September 16, 2009

The Bride - Part 2

Screech! The car halts in front of the house. Flowers in hand, Anu rushes herself inside. Nalini is sitting in the front room with a few women guests. All talking about Aaji.

"Aai! What happened to Aaji?" asked Anu throwing herself in her mothers arms and crying.

"Calm down, calm down. Aaji's fine. Neel just called from the hospital", said Aai.

"But what was wrong all of a sudden?" Anu still crying.

"No, no. don't cry. There was a sudden rise in her BP, the doctors said. All of a sudden she couldn't breathe and just collapsed from her chair. Baba and Kaka carried her to the hospital. She will be fine soon they said and will also be there at home by tomorrow evening."

"Oh, thankfully she's fine", said Anu wiping her tears. "Can I go to see her?" She handed over the flowers to Shalu.

"No, not now. There is puja in the evening. You need to be here. And also there is mehendi function. All your friends will be here soon", Aai said patting Anu on her back.

"But I really wish to see her."

"Neel will be there with her in the hospital. You can call his cell and talk to Aaji".

Convinced, Anu nodded. Jyoti and Priya took her towards her room. The roses were kept by the decorative table near the window in a vase that Anu had got from her London trip. Shalu, the maid knew that flowers got by Anu were to be always kept in that vase.

She once again adored the flowers and for a moment forgot about Aaji.

In her room, she took a picture frame of her and Aaji's photo in it and cried again. Priya and Jyoti told her not to cry.

"Don't cry Anu, please? Aaji is fine now. We all will pray for her well being", said Priya.

Priya was just a year younger than Anu. She lived in Mumbai and worked for a Hindi television channel. She is Anu's cousin sister, her Kaka's daughter. Though she tries to be tough from her behavior, she is very kind and soft-hearted.

"Your eyes will swell if you keep crying like this. The photographer will also be coming in the evening to take pictures", Jyoti didi consoled her. "Just thank God that Aaji is fine. Obstacles often pop-up when you are going to start with something new. That's why we have to welcome the Gods at home in the evening before the marriage."

Jyoti was Priya's elder sister. She was married 5 years ago and stayed in Bangalore with her husband and son. She came a week ago with her son for the marriage. Her husband would be coming on the wedding day. So she had quite sometime in hand to enjoy herself with her family and cousins. She has always been like a real elder sister to Anu. Besides being helpful, she is intelligent and rational.

"Go wash your face now and cheer up", Jyoti continued.

Anu went in the restroom. She washed her face and looked at herself in the mirror and felt a little sad. Why did this have to happen, when I'm starting a new life? I was so happy after seeing myself in the parlor, and the flowers...Oh, the flowers, they are so lovely, so fragrant. But the lady seemed so weird. Suddenly she felt a severe pain in her right cheek. Unbearable pain, that she rushed out of the restroom and asked for help.

Jyoti came near her and saw her cheek. She checked it, but there was nothing. All at once, the pain stopped, as sudden as it came. They checked it again. But nothing seemed to be wrong. All was fine. The sisters just shrugged and thought if may have been some effect of the facial done at the parlor.

In the evening, the pujari arrived and started with the vidhi's. Anu in the her room was getting ready to join in the puja. Priya and her mother helped her drape the Saree and put on some jewellery and some fresh mogra flowers in her hair. Anu now dazzled and she was also happy as she had spoken to Aaji a while ago. It was good to hear her giving her cautious notes again.

"You don't have to go out of the house now. Tell Nalini to always put a kajal dot on your forehead".

Anu started for the puja room. She crossed the flower vase and was again in awe of it. She kept moving forward. The puja started. Anu sat on the little step stool and joined her hands. A few minutes later, all of a sudden she just declared "I don't want to sit here any longer". She sounded rude.

"Oh, what happened beta?" asked Aai.

"I just don't feel like", said Anu.

"No, you have to sit. Its a small puja. Please."

"Pujari, better finish it off quick. I don't wish to sit here for long", said Anu rudely again.

Everyone around were quite surprised with this change in Anu's attitude. The puja got over in less than an hour. Anu felt restless throughout. She quickly rushed to her room.

It was now time for mehendi. The girls who would be applying mehendi had already arrived. Anu now changed into some comfortable clothes and sat in her room. Before she forgot, she requested Priya to get her a flower from the vase and tuck it in her hair. Priya did the same. All friends and cousins gathered in the room and were ready to decorate their hands with mehendi.

It was Anu's turn first. She put her right palm forward. The mehendi-girl started drawing some nice delicate designs. Suddenly Anu pulled out her hand. Some of the mehendi got smudged.

"Anu tai, what happened?" asked the mehendi girl. "Didn't you like the design?"

"No. Draw something else", said Anu in a rude tone.

"What would you like then? Some flowers?" the girl asked, a little scared.

"Yes, flowers! Draw some roses".

As the design had just started, the mehendi girl rubbed the drawn area and started drawing some nice rose design. There was a pleasant smile on Anu's face.

"Priya, can you please get that rose flower vase here? I would love those flowers to be in my room", requested Anu out of the blue.

"Oh sure. What is it with those roses? You seem obsessed. You already have one in your hair", said Priya giving Anu a slight nudge.

"Now you just get them here", Anu's tone was rude again.

"Chill! Getting it".

Priya felt a little annoyed. But ignored it, as she thought about Anu's mixed feelings of leaving her mothers home and joining her in-laws. The flowers were brought to Anu's room. Anu looked happy again.

Jyoti didi noticed that something was bothering Anu. She seemed restless. She had been noticing the mood swings in Anu for the past few hours. She couldn't relate it to anything.

Here Anu again started showing tantrums. She no longer felt like putting mehendi on her palms. Just then her cell phone rang. Priya picked it up and declared that Prithvi was calling. Priya answered the call and everyone began teasing Prithvi and Anu, but Anu seemed least interested. After much pleading from Prithvi, he wanted to talk so much to his beloved bride, Priya held the phone near Anu's ear.

"Don't you bother calling me again", she snapped back at Prithvi. The rudeness in her voice did not go unheard.

"Sorry Anu, for calling you so late. But I did call Aai in the evening and inquired about Aaji's health", was Prithvi's calm reply.

"Its over", said Anu and she stood up.

"Hello, hello?"

"We'll call you back, jiju", Priya told Prithvi and she immediately disconnected the phone.

"Whats wrong with you Anu?" Jyoti asked, now a little tense.

"Leave me alone ", she shouted.

Anu moved fanatically in the room, all eyes on her. Nalini came rushing in the room hearing the shout. Everyone, except Nalini and Jyoti left the room.

"Anu, look at me", Jyoti turned Anu's face to her. "Can you tell us what is bothering you?"

"Beta, please tell me, I'm your mother", said a tearful Nalini.

There was no reply from Anu. The ladies thought she needed some rest before the big day. She seemed to be really depressed by Aaji's hospitalisation, they thought.

"Take some rest", suggested Nalini.

Anu rushed to the bathroom washed of her hands.

"What are you doing? Why are you washing you mehendi?" Jyoti ran behind Anu and grabbed her.

"Did Prithvi say anything?" enquired Nalini, now sounding even more worried.

"Anu, are you going to tell us anything or no?" Jyoti shook Anu hard and patted on her cheeks.

"It pains", said Anu softly touching her right cheek and crying like a little girl.

Nalini and Jyoti took a look at her cheek and saw that it had turned red. Anu looked at them crying hard.

"I'm going to die soon. I don't want to get married", Anu declared and suddenly collapsed in her bed.

Tears in their eyes, Nalini and Jyoti looked questionably at each other. They tried to wake Anu. But there she laid, unconsious, with her hair open and the rose flower resting on her right cheek.

To be continued....

Tuesday, September 15, 2009

The Bride - Part 1

"Its 12'o'clock in the afternoon, Anu. How many times have I told you not to go out of the house at exactly 12?" Aaji was telling Anu once again.

"OK, I'll leave after 5 minutes." Anu said, as usual.

"And you are getting married in 2 days, you should be careful now. Evil spirits are always in search of young girls and now as you are looking more radiant, you are bound to catch an evil eye. So be cautious."

"Oh c'mon now Aaji".

Anu was tired of hearing the same superstitious notes from her Aaji, her grandma, right from when she was a little girl. Staying in the city and being around fun-loving friends, she always thought that Aaji was way too superstitious. And more over she couldn't even argue with her, as her mother, Nalini, has always told her to respect her Aaji and never be rude to her. But Anu though tired of Aaji's over-cautiousness, never tried to disobey her.

Anusha Narkar, aka Anu has always been a fun-loving girl. She was a bright student in her class. After completing her Engineering in Computers, she grabbed a good job offer from one of the prestigious software firms in Pune, who were highly impressed by her grades.

Now 28, Anu was getting married to Prithvi Jadhav in the next two days. She had met him at a friends party. After 5 months of constant "chance-meetings" and co-ordination by Prithvi's friends, he proposed to Anu and she was more than happy not to refuse. She was engaged to Prithvi less than 2 years ago. But due to work commitments, the wedding got delayed. So, as in the desi-lingo, its a love-cum-arranged marriage. Just 1 week after the wedding, the two were moving to the United States of America, as Prithvi's project is currently there. Anu has planned to take a break from her job and be a home-maker for a few months, which her Aaji and mother say to be have been her best move.

"Nalini, don't forget to put a small kajal dot behind Anu's ear and beneath her foot" Aaji reminded Anu's mother.

"I've already done it", comes the "ok-i-already-know-it" kind of response.

"Also give her some water to drink, before she leaves the house. She's just had those tasty batata wadas. The taste may still be lingering in her mouth."


Nalini Narkar, was Anu's mother and Aaji's daughter-in-law for 35 years now. After her marriage to Anu's father, Ajay Narkar, she immediately adjusted to her mother-in-laws superstitious behaviour, as her own grandma was similar in nature and behavior. Nalini was both, a nice wife and mother to both her children Anu and younger son Neel, who just got his B.Arch degree.

All of Aaji's rules were a part of everyday life and no one bothered to ask explanations of any kind. There maybe a reason for her saying so. But none could reason the reasons. Somewhere in the corner of the mind all believed in Aaji's beliefs and so never tried to take the test. Aaji is not always superstitious. She is also a fun-loving grandma. She loves to watch all the saas-bahu soaps on TV and is very well aware of the changes taking place in the society. She used to love playing small games with the kids when they were small.

The house was filled with all kinds of aroma's - sweet, spicy, sour, tangy. While one guest said I smell wadas, other talked of motichoor ladoo's. Not to be missed was the sweet fragrance of lovely flowers decorated all over the house. Anu loved flowers. She regularly shopped for flowers and always loved keeping some fresh ones at home.

"Anyway I am not going alone. Priya and Jyoti didi are accompanying me to the parlor. And am going by car, though its just a 15 minutes walk from here", said Anu already in the thank-God-I'm-going -away-from-all-this mood.

"You should have convinced the beautician to come home instead of you going there", Aaji said.

"I did try, but she just didn't want to carry all the things, as there are other customers and trainees in the parlor too. They would have a hard time."

"Priya, Jyoti, don't leave her alone. See to it that the beautician does all the necessary stuff perfectly," Nalini reminded. "Shalu, come here. Get some salt and mustard".

Shalu, the house maid got some salt and mustard in both her fists and without saying swayed it from head to toe on Anu, murmuring something. In short, "May everyone's evil eye be gone in this white and black substance". The salt and mustard was thrown in a hot pan on the stove. Immediately, it gave off a pungent odor.

"See, didn't I tell you? You are looking so radiant Anu, that everyone's eyes are on you. You never know what all are thinking - good or bad", said Aaji.

"Yes Aaji. Can I go now?" Anu kissed Aaji on her cheek and left with her cousins.

They all rode away to the parlor. Aaji was constantly chanting her regular mantras and praying for the well being of her family. Nalini's eyes were immediately dampened with the thought that 2 days later Anu would be gone to "her house" forever.

After a few hours, Jyoti didi, Anu's first cousin pulled over the car upto the door of the parlor. Priya saw to it that Anu was comfortable in the back seat. She seated herself next to Jyoti didi. Anu was now looking even more beautiful. Now she didn't have to even step out of the house until her marriage. Mixed feeling engulfed her mind. Soon she'll be gone to a far away country, where there will be more fun with Prithvi and she alone, but she will miss her hometown dearly. Tears filled her eyes.

" Jyo didi, please can go for a small ride along FC Road?" she requested.

"Arey, no. Everyone will be waiting for you at home. We too have so much work to do", said Jyoti.

"Please didi. I don't know when will I be able to come from US and when will I be able to freak out."

"Hmm. Emotional black-mail."

"Yes, lets go no didi please. I too would be leaving Pune immediately after the wedding, so I won't be able to see the changes in the city", came the request from Priya too.

"OK", Jyoti thought and replied. "But just a small drive. No shopping now".

"Cool! I knew you would never disappoint us didi", said a thrilled Anu.

FC road had its regular traffic, but was not as crowded as during the evening times. They drove past Hotel Vaishali. She turned around slightly in the car and tried to search if she could spot any friends. But no. Anu remembered the fun times she had with her friends there. Tears filled her eyes again.

The car halted at the Dnyaneshwar Paduka traffic light. The car windows were closed. Suddenly someone tapped on the back right side window. Startled Anu looked to the right. She saw a bunch of fresh crimson roses. A face appeared from behind the roses. A middle aged woman was trying to sell her flowers. She was saying something with a sullen face. Anu thought it maybe the same old sad story of a poor street vendor, which she didn't want to hear again. But the flowers were fresh and lovely and attractive. By the time she had second thoughts about the flowers, the traffic light turned green and the car moved ahead. Anu turned back to see, the lady was rushing towards the sidewalk looking towards the car and murmuring something.

"I wanted to buy those flowers, didi".

" There are already so many flowers at home", said Jyoti.

"But they were so fresh and lovely."

"Not now Anu. We'll be late reaching home. Traffic has increased".

Anu was sad. The car halted after next 2 traffic lights. Anu couldn't stop thinking about the beautiful flowers. She spotted some vendors selling flowers, but none had the crimson ones she were offered. She looked around fanatically. And there she saw on the other side of the road the crimson rose bunch. The same lady, from the last light, was holding the flowers. Anu looked carefully. Yes, it was her. How did she reach so soon there? She doesn't even looked tired, that is if she may have ran behind the car. Did anyone leave her here so that she could catch up with us? Different thoughts started gathering in Anu's mind. But she felt best to ignore them and stared at the flowers.

"Didi can we take a left instead of going straight? I will buy those flowers within seconds", said Anu.

"Anu, we are late. Nalini Kaku has already called twice", said Jyoti.

"Please didi. I won't be able to buy flowers like this on the road in US. There will be no one to trouble you once I'm gone to my sasural", pleaded Anu.

"Gosh you are still so stubborn. Stop black-mailing me. OK we'll go. Where do you see those flowers?"

They looked around but they could see no one. There was the same knock again on the right side window. The flowers appeared first, then the lady. There she was. Anu lowered the window surprised.

"Tai, take the flowers. So fresh, so lovely" the flower lady said. She had weird smile and a noticeable scar on her right cheek from below her eye to her chin, which Anu hadn't seen earlier.

"How much for them?" asked Anu.

"Only Rs.15, tai".

"Priya, you have some change?" Anu.

"Yep. Just a second", said Priya without bothering to turn around and see the flowers. She removed some money from her purse. "There you go, take it".

"Here lady. From where did buy these?" asked Anu.

"Just from the garden near the river", the lady said. "You are glowing, tai. You are a bride-to-be, right? Lucky you."

"How did you know that? And tell me how did you reach so fast from there to here?" asked Anu now totally surprised.

"I just...." started the lady, but just then the signal turned green and Jyoti rode off.

Anu turned back to see the lady. She was again rushing to the sidewalk, grinning and looking towards the car.

"Did you see that lady?" Anu turned around and asked.

"No. I'm just happy that we don't have to take a left turn and get stuck in traffic again." replied Jyoti.

"She had a weird smile", said Anu. But she was so happy to get those crimson roses. She took the bunch in her hand and smelled the sweet fragrance of the flowers.

Just then Anu's phone rang. It was her mother.

"Hello?" Anu answered.

"Anu? Where are you? How much time more? Come home soon", said Nalini. There was an urgency in her voice.

"On my way, aai".

"Come soon", said Nalini.

Anu heard a soft sob.

"What happened Aai? Tell me."


"What happened to Aaji?" Anu was worried.

"Come home soon."

"Give me the cell", said Priya, grabbing phone from Anu's hand. "Kaku, whats wrong?"

"Aaji just collapsed. We have rushed her to the hospital." - Nalini

"Which hospital? Should we go there directly?" asked Priya.

"No. Bring Anu home first."

"OK. we are on our way. We will be there soon."

She ends the call. The 3 look at each other. There is a silence in the car. No one is talking. What happened suddenly? How did it happen?

Anu held the flowers close to her heart and tears in her eyes.

To be continued.....

Monday, September 14, 2009

Something new

Though I may have committed to myself, that I would be writing atleast 1 post a month (which I didn't write last month), I'm now planning of starting to write something different. Far apart from my regular postings about my energy-saving and changes we need, I'm going to write a story. Yes, you can start laughing.
Its gonna be fiction of course. Ocassionally reading books of all kinds, new stories are coming up in my mind. Thats what keeps me up at night and now I need to write it down and share with you all.
Hope you will like it. I will also need your responses and suggestions.
So, coming soon.... "The Bride". Ok, to start with, guess what genre it will be - Comedy, Drama, Dramedy, Horror, Thriller....
Think, think and reply.
See you soon with the "The Bride".

Thursday, July 2, 2009

OM - Beginning of all good

Long time no see! I started writing my blog around this same time last year and after 3 posts I just wasn't able to write anything more. Reason being a few important keys on my laptop keyboard that just wouldn't work at all. And now from past 5 months (since I got my new VAIO, thanks to U) I've been wanting to write something, but didn't know how, when to begin. But yesterday I got a small reason to start writing again.
As winter passed, I threw some marigold and few more flower seeds
in little patio garden soil. In a few days, the seeds turned into little plants. I cleared the unknown plants, but did keep 1 of them, just out of curiosity.
Last week I saw a little bud on my marigold plant. And yesterday morning while watering my plants, the marigold bud had bloomed. Right next to the flower was something that caught my attention. I turned and sat down on the patio. The leaf of the "unknown" plant had a little design on it. It looked like "Om", the sacred Hindu syllable. I immediately ran inside the house and grabbed my point n shoot and got the following pictures.

Amazing, Incredible" were among the few comments I got on my accounts.
For me, Om means the beginning of all good things. Incidentally its also my son's name!
So to begin all good, as of now, I've decided to write atleast 1 post a month.
Do you think the design resembles the syllable "Om"? Do write back to me :)
For more info: