Sunday, January 17, 2010

3 Idiots

Though the film has received loads of accolades (no issues), but I feel some points should have been taken care of.
Maybe I'm too nosey, but some technological issues really bothered me. By technological issues, i don't mean technical as in the films editing, direction, lighting, etc. This is what really bothered me and to be frank, right from the first few minutes:

- Farhan was born in 1978. And then I guess so where Rancho, Raju and all other 1st year students. During the 1st year of engineering (that should be somewhere in the mid-90's and after), when Joy tries to talk to Virus about date extension, Virus hands him a cell phone and calls his dad on the cellphone, which I presume were not very popular then. And did I mention the cellphones where sleek and not bulky as it should have been during the early cellphone days.

- Taking dates into consideration, Youtube was founded in 2005! During the "delivery" at the end, Pia shows video on Youtube. Just hows it possible?
So which leads to my question, is the film Futuristic??

- Pia rides the latest bike. Here I feel, she should have rode a Kinetic Honda or something more popular in the mid and late-90's.

- Popularity of webcams and laptops - out of question!

- The only period items were Farhan's camera in the 1st year and Virus's opera playing player.

Now moving on to dressing:

- Amir's Tee's, bag, Kareena's glasses, spaghetti tops, bike - all so very hep and 2000.

Probably the director, producer and technicians didn't even think of all these issues as cellphones, laptops, wireless devices are so very much a part of our life for the last couple of years (only). I perhaps noticed this because I was born in 1977 and started thinking about the time during my college days and the technology then in 90's.

Some other issues with the story:
- Joy dies toooooo soon.
- Is there anything like Airport security? For the fun part its totally fine to ignore it. But can't just ignore it in 2009-2010. What about his baggage? Dear Camera?
- Online, 'vacuum' delivery!!

I know I've pointed out so many mistakes, what will I do when I make a movie? It will be so perfect that no one will be able to criticize it, point out mistakes and no one will be able to relate to it! Viewers in India (including me) still want the masala. To hell with the technicalities and technology!

Good points of the film:
- Chatur's character.
- Millimeter
- Some scenes like mixing up the answer papers.
- Potrayal of Raju Rastogi's family.

At the end of the day, I was happy on having got to see "3 Idiots" in a movie theatre, rather than everyday google-ing and waiting for a "3 Idiots good DVD print online" version or waiting for a Netflix DVD.

At last, thanks to Raju Hirani and the team for thinking about making a movie about the pathetic rat race in the country.


Anonymous said...

Brilliant observation!!!!
Has to come from you.....I was trying to recollect the year when u were born, which you later mentioned....
Keep going ...looking forward for more healthy critics

Sheetal said...

Can you tell me wat part of the movie do they mention Farhan's year of birth. And obv, if he was 78 born, which is the same as me, college time wuld be the late 90s and cell fones and laptops weren't as popular.
Another thing, abt Joy's death, i think it was important in the movie coz they wanted to show the pressure suicides by students that really do take place, u know wat i mean.
And the 'vaccuum' delivery is obviously unreal, but I guess what it kind of portrayed was 'to put the techie theory into practice.' So its not possible to do that in a matter of few minutes, but it perhaps is possible in a few days.
And obviously, it was such a hilarious movie and there were so many good moments, that you do tend to forget the 'mistakes.' lol

Unknown said...

Hey There..
As is said it is very easy to critisize..but nontheless..where in the movie did they mention that Farhan was born in 1978..ok I was born in 1978 as well..just 1999 by then bf now hubby left for the US and we did a lot of web was new and free at that was a lot of fun..a lot of people used it...cell phones were pretty popular my friend..I had one that got as a graduation gift from my dad and it was a nice sleek model...coming to US in 2003 I did a lot of web chat and talk thru phone with my parents back home...

If you dont board the flight and the baggage is can always claim it at a later stage..the point at that time was not the baggage but to meet Rancho..the airways pays the damages if the baggage is lost...
The vaccum deliver scene yes it was a little too much but then the movie took it very well...
joy's death was essential as they showed the pressure that students face...
So well I just wanted to point out that I do not agree to your comments here...

Sakura said...

thanks for your comments sheetal (the new one)... appreciate it.