Sunday, December 30, 2012


Right now how I wish the world should have ended on 12-21-2012. What the hell is going in this world?
The tragic Newtown, Connecticut incident shook the world. Like me, I'm sure many moms could not sleep well. I cried on Monday while leaving my son to school. I pray for the parents of the children who lost their lives on that fateful day. Let them find peace.
And then came the news of the horrifying rape incident in New Delhi, the capital of my own country. Oh what a shame! What a sad end to a life of a girl. I pray for her parents too. God alone knows what may be going through their minds right now. Sad that their daughter had to die such a tragic death. Proud that because of her death the country is trying hard to awaken a sleeping system? And what else can I pray for? Lets see -
1) Lord, please help the Government to take proper judgement in this rape case.
2) Lord, let the rapists be given the most severe punishment. Something so severe that they and people like them dare not think of doing such a heinous crime ever in their 10 lives to come. If they are hanged till death, their life will finish in moments. They will not even feel one unit of pain that Nirbhaya went through.
3) Lord, can you really listen to the above 2 prayers? Please take some action.

When I was in India a year ago, I was watching some news on some channel about female fetocide. I was literally in tears. I said this is so sad. how does anyone do such things? The elderly lady sitting next to me said she thinks this is right. This should be done. I asked do you know what are you talking about. A sudden wave of rage started gushing in my body. How can you say that I asked her. She asked me don't you read the news papers? So many news about rapes - somewhere an elderly lady is raped, despite her age factor, a 3 year old girl is raped by her father or a neighbor, a young girl is raped just because she was alone in house. She asked me is any female safe? Then why take the risk to give birth to a girl child when no one respects her?
My blood was boiling and kept thinking how can she talk like that? Kitni ghatiya soch hai, etc. But today, I feel was that the truth? I know, now I'm being a saddist. No woman is safe in India. Its the plain truth! But again, that doesn't mean I'm for female fetocide. Never ever will I be for it. Daughters are killed in the womb in India for other reasons like dowry. But none wants their daughter to die a tragic death like Nirbhayas and no one kills their daughter in the womb of a reason like rape. But no one knows the future.

2 days back when I was talking on the phone to another woman in India, Nirbhayas topic did come forward. She told me in some mythological serial thats going on on Indian television now a days. The story goes like this:
A rishi went to take a dip in the river, leaving his beautiful wife at home. Some god who always had eyes for her, took this opportunity and came down to earth in the disguise of her husband and made love to her. The original husband comes home to find his wife in bed with another man. Then he curses his wife that she turns into a rock and the god that he no one will pray to him.
After this story, she told me that look, these things are happening since ages. No one ever has had respect for women. So if some god himself did this to the lady, people still feel its okay to do it even now. But I feel, in the wake of such horrific incident in Delhi, this particular episode should not have been aired. It promotes disrespect to women and Indian men just DO NOT understand the positive or negative impact of such stories in the real world. Mostly the impact is negative. I firmly disagree with the channel who aired this episode on TV. Whatever the history, such stories should never be retold. Its a disgrace!

The other day, with lot of hype and recommendations from 2 girl friends, I saw The Dirty Picture movie. Yes! And I will not, never suggest anyone to see it, even if it is sad and the truth. The dialogues were disgustingly vulgar and there was NOTHING to learn from the movie. Its a story of a selfish woman who wanted to be famous. No need to feel sorry for her she ended her life. If you have not seen it, you are not missing anything in your life, how much ever movie freak you are. There are better movies to watch.

Also when I was in India, after reading the news of a less than 3 year old girl being raped and killed by a man, gave me some sleepless nights. Oh lord, what pain! At that time, Pratibha Patil was the President of India. Having a woman president is such proud feeling and a safe feeling for the woman. Someone who will understand what it is like to being a woman in India. I wrote a letter to her through the Government of India's website, to take severe action against rapists. Hoping that she will have some feeling for the Indian woman. What a fool I was! I now hear and read stories, that while she was the President, Pratibha Patil pardoned the punishements of 5 rapists, who had also murdered their victims. They were given second chance at life. Such disgrace, such disgust! Whatever was she thinking?? And now the present Presidents son is giving a mouthful on how women are dressing! What a failed Government and what a failed country!

My last prayer to the almighty is give some required proper thinking to the authorities to take immediate action in Nirbhayas case. Let not the voices of the people protesting go unheard.
Lastly, all women in India are Nirbhaya, they face the lust filled, disgusting eyes of men every second, everyday. Even then they stand tall and brave. Be safe women and fight against the disgraceful acts in the country. May God bless us with infinite courage, safety and happy lives.


Unknown said...

Hmmm Namrata, to be honest, I was trying to stay away from this topic..because the more I think about this different situations, I feel sad, unsafe, unsecure..Gives me goose bumps, that lord, there's no safe place to live in this world..
After the Newton News arrived, the whole two days I was watching news continuosly, weeping and depressed, being a substitute teacher can feel a lot of attachment with schools and those innocent buds, felt the pain there parents might have to go through, I felt if god exist, where is he, Forget God if spirits, ghost exists, where are they, if they cannot harm these cruel people, then there is no such thing in world.. And then came the rape news, again the same pain, agony, now I am not praying to anyone, there is no god, and the useless governement in India, they are their for the money, and their chairs..They are acting and commenting, just because media is forcing them to, once the limelight is over, this topic is going to be offtopic, may be after few years, the victims may hang to death, like kasab..I feel like we, girls have no choice, but take actions and smart decisions for ourself. We have to stand for ourself..
Sorry for being so negative, cannot help, I don't find anything positive!

Sakura said...

Its ok to be negative Sam. The prayer thing is really true. I too couldn't pray for a couple of days. but automatically turned back to him. Whatever is happening in the world is so full of sadness and grief. everywhere in the news theres something sad happening. the war in some countries, shootings, rapes and as if there were less natural calamities! what is installed in the future, no one knows. going to a movie, shopping in the mall is also no longer safe.
Girls in India should really take care of themselves. even after this sad incident, there were so many similar incidents in the last week again. no hope from Government. they are not ready to take any powerful decision. because all are equally there in this s***.

Archlok said...

what a tragedy with the lady and the way rapist exploited her body was just disgusting to read. They never published it in the news paper but I read on some post on FB about what rapiest actually did with the Nirbhaya. :(

Talking about Indian Govt system, It is hardly going to change. We need a complete system change, which is not possible.

The very first action as a female we could take is to train ourselves, our daughters, our sisters karate or Taikwando. We female need to protect ourselves.

Time for us the females to awake the ADISHAKTI in us.

Sujata said...

Well said Archana, I also have same attitude!

Sakura said...

Thanks for writing Arch and Manasi.
I too read the abt the description on FB and was shaken :(
every girl should be even more strong than before.